It wasn’t long ago that Sienna was just a little girl; she has quickly blossomed into a young lady. Her spunk and zest for life is forever radiating around her. Sienna, the older of the dynamic duo sisters, has had a strong character and innate sense of situational control since her early days. She is quick to take the ball and run without concern for any obstacles that may be in her way. Whether she knows there are challenges or not, she is able to quickly adapt and overcome any hurdle in her path. Sienna is vibrant and outgoing and with a pleasant and caring demeanour she is a joy to be around. With her competitive edge and uncanny wit she will always try to gain one up on the competition. Her softer side however, will never let anyone feel hurt or defeated in her wake. She has a strong appetite for victory with a high spirit of true sportsmanship. Sienna was born in Atlanta, Georgia and at the young age of two years old moved to the Middle East with her Mama and Papa. She has grown up in a multi-cultural environment her whole life, speaks several languages, and adapts quite fluidly in many cultural settings. Since her early days, Sienna has been a globetrotter and today she continues to bounce from one continent to the next as her interests and exposure levels grow by the day.      

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