Wadi Howquain and Arbeieen

We left home at 6:30 am. We were in Oman at around 9:30 am. We headed to Wadi Howquain, and on the way, we picked Gabby and Silvia. At the beginning the water was all clear and cold then it was hot and it was calcified. Then we abseiled down a cliff into the water … Continue Reading

Wadi Shab & Wadi Arbiyyan Camping Trip by Meila

We went to Oman to camp for two days and some people camped for three days. We left home At 3:30AM and we were in Oman at 10:00AM. Then when we arrived in Oman most people were late so we decided that we would go to wadi Dayqah and it was very rocky. After that … Continue Reading

Color Run by Meila

This year was our first year but it was so fun. At every kilo meter they would through some paint at us then every km we get a different color and there was yellow orang green pink and bleu. Before the run we did a little warm up where we did like dances and boxing … Continue Reading